Tuesday, October 11, 2005


I hate naming everything *Gate for a scandal, however, it looks like Katrina might really be headed for one if Mr President really means what he just said (always in question):

President Bush pledged Tuesday that the federal government will not seek to dictate terms for rebuilding the hurricane-devastated Gulf Coast but will instead allow state and local officials to make the key decisions. He rejoiced in what he said is a spirit of revival there.

(Taken from here)

In the most corrupt part of our country, the South especially NOLA, we're just going to dump dinero off to the locals to do with what they want. I mean Nagin, NOLA's most wonderful, far thinking, and uber planning mayor, said he wants to add casinos wholesale to NOLA to stimulate the economy after Katrina's devastation. Hmmm.

Casinos are NEVER a source of corruption...just ask some very polite Italian men that used to set up shop in the desert 'round 'bout, oh, Las Vegas.

Sounds like we're gonna have a pretty bad scandal that is gonna swack the Republicans so hard they're gonna lose 2008 pretty hardcore.



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