Friday, December 09, 2005

NATO Secretary General on Ukraine in NATO

During the session the allies stressed that NATO's doors remain open to Ukraine, which may imply Ukraine's likely accedence to the Membership Action Plan, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer noted. However, he said, Ukraine's success in achieving the goal of joining NATO will depend on Ukrainian reforms' success. The NATO Secretary General also underscored the importance of military and political cooperation between NATO and Ukraine within the framework of the Intensified Dialogue. As he stressed, Kyiv still has much to do. We expect Ukraine to cover this road of establishing democratic institutes, of combating corruption, carrying out security reforms and the security sector's reformation, in general. NATO will assist Ukraine is these efforts as far as it can, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer stressed. As the NATO Secretary General noted, the coming parliamentary elections will have great importance in furthering NATO - Ukraine relations. According to the NATO Secretary General, today's Ukraine is an "exporter of security," participating in or supporting NATO's operations in Kosovo, Afghanistan, other countries. He also confirmed Ukraine's likely participation is NATO's training missions to Iraq.

Taken wholesale from here.

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