Thursday, February 16, 2006

In Conference

I am sitting in a teleconference about the Paleoclimate working group right now. They're discussing the climate simulations (right now) about the Permian climate simulations. This one is especially tuend towards the Permain carbon cycle. They have an interesting transition in the presence of sea ice that's pretty dramatic. There is sea ice and then...there isn't. They're working out why still but its rather interesting.

Anyways, here's the agenda:

Feb. 16: Morning

8:20am: Refreshments

8:20am: Introduction: Matt and Liu

Session I: Report on paleo CCSM scientific activity: Chair: A. Winguth

Each presentation: 25 minutes for talk, 5 minutes for questions

A: Pre-Quaternary
8:30am: M. Huber: TBA
9:00am: J. You: Miocene simulation
9:30am: A. Winguth: Permian carbon cycle simulations
10:00am: C. Kelly: PETM
10:30am: (video from NCAR) J. Kiehl: Simulations of Latest Permian Atmospheric Chemistry: Implications for Terrestrial Mass Extinction
11:00am: (video from NCAR) C. Shellito: TBA

11:30pm: Lunch Break

B: Quaternary
1:00pm: S. Vavrus: Testing early human impact hypothesis
1:30pm: Z. Liu: Glacial thermohaline and climate, implication on interhemispheric interaction
2:00pm: B. Briegleb: Transient Holocene simulation
2:30pm: (video from NCAR) C. Ammann: Effect of solar and volcanic forcing on climate in the last millennia
3:00pm: (video from NCAR): N. Mahowald: Dust and sea salt simulations for LGM and Permian

3:30pm: break

4:00pm: D. Archer: CO2 Stew: potential causes of the glacial / interglacial CO2 cycles
4:30pm: C. Jackson: Using Paleodata to constrain CAM3 parametric uncertainties
5:00pm: (video from Purdue) N. Diffenbaugh: Response of the subtropical gyres in the PMIP2 simulations
5:30pm: (video from Nebraska, needs confirmation?) R. Oglesby: deglaciation
6:00pm: (video from Nebraska, needs confirmation?) C. Rowe: TBA
Note: if the last 2 talks are not confirmed, the time slots will be used for discussions.

Feb. 17: Morning

8:20am: Refreshment

8:20am: Introduction: Liu and Matt

Session II: Discussions on CSL allocations: Chair: C. Poulson

Each presentation: 15 minutes for talk, 15 minutes for questions

A. Quaternary Production
8:30am: B. Otto-Bliesner: Interglacial run
9:00am: (video from NCAR) C. Ammann: last two millennia climate

B. Pre-Quaternary Production
9:30am: M. Huber: Pliocene climate
10:00am: C. Poulson: Cretaceous climate

C. Development:
10:30am: B. Otto-Bliesner: update on CCSM development

11: 00am: Discussions on current CSL allocations
11:30am: Discussions on the possible future CSL allocations

Interesting stuff. This isn't just a mild interest. I'm considering another challenge shot and I am checking out the science applications. I want something that is cutting edge - partially because I like working with these people and also because I can help them along by providing some CPU cycles. I helped along the hurricane scientist significantly by providing him with charge free cycles in prep for the demo. He stated that a paper ought to be submitted to Nature as a result.


They're fighting over the exact model for the carbon cycle right now. One of the climatologists came out and demanded to know why the Permian simulations are not using the CCSM biogeochemistry working group. The project leader is defending madly by stating that the processes that are important on a yearly to even millenium time scales are different than those on the tens of millenia or millions of years. It's interesting. There's also an argument about the role of muds and how to simulate them in the carbon cycle. also rather interesting. Some feedback is going to be given to the CCSM community.

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