Monday, April 03, 2006

A Global Warming Article

A man stands on a railroad track as a train rumbles closer.

"Global warming?" he says. "Some say irreversible consequences are 30 years away. Thirty years. That won't affect me." He steps off the tracks — just in time. But behind him is a little blonde-haired girl left in front of the roaring train. The screen goes black. A message appears: "There's still time."

It's just an ad, part of a campaign from the advocacy group Environmental Defense, which hopes to convince Americans they can do something about global warming, that there's still time.

But many scientists are not so sure that the oncoming train of global warming can be avoided. Temperatures are going to rise for decades to come because the chief gas that causes global warming lingers in the atmosphere for about a century.

Read the rest here.

They're saying what has been said here at work for the past five years. About time. The locals are a lot less optomistic about the timings though. They're saying 5 C in 30 years and lotsa sea level rise too.

Note: any houses I build will be above 21 m above sea level, just to be on the safe side.

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