Tuesday, April 18, 2006

HA HA HA HA! Global Dimming

Just watched Dimming of the Sun on Nova.

It explains quite a bit more than I'd have thought, including some of the skeptics comments about cooling being the threat foreseen in the 1970s: the reduction of particulates from the US and Europe since then might have been the tipping point. W/o the reduction, we might have had a global cooling. However...

The reason for the laugh is because of the evidence presented about 9/11 and the lack of contrails. Pretty interesting. Pretty frightening if there was some way to verify it again without the catastrophic nastiness to get the experiment run. I laughed specifically because the climate guys here are looking less and less like fringies and more and more like people who, while sweating a lot, are gonna be damned right come 2030-2050. They're going to get the lats laugh. I'm just getting to clap my hands and chortle now...I might be sweating a little in the future though!

Note. I am making sure any house we build is above 35 meters higher than sealevel. ;)

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