Saturday, April 22, 2006


The reason that I didn't post anything on Thursday was that I stayed home to take care of my daughter. She had come down with Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease. My daughter picked it up from some playground that my wife took her to in Berkeley. (You bastards!) It's made her very unhappy and uncomfortable. According to the Dr we saw now that she has it it'll go away and never plague her again. I am delighted to say that she is having the rash retreat in a huge way right now. She'll be herself very soon.

Well, according to the Dr this is a child's disease and most kids get it. So I thought, no sweat.



I got it. It feels like ant bites all over my hands and feet. and that I have strep.

I guess I count as a child still.


Whatever parent didn't keep their kids at home after getting this deserve to get very itchy and damned uncomfortable. I curse them. I curse them repeatedly and soundly.

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