Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Oh Wow! We're FAMOUS!

Eddie Moore © Albuquerque Journal

Visitors William and Lyudmila Baird and their 11-month old daughter, Arrora, walk through the Tyuonyi Pueblo section in the Bandelier National Monument. This is the 90th anniversary of President Woodrow Wilson's declaration of Bandelier as a national monument, and the 100th anniversary of the federal 1906 Antiquities Act.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tudor.. er, Will!!!--- Damn ya gotta love the net... every so often I get bored and google people I haven't heard from in awhile... --- great to see you're doing so well... personally, professionally, all around!

    I don't post to my blogs with any regularity (unlike Russel, you remember Russel Glasser? -- )

    but being a consumate geek and IT professional ( work for the IT dept of Clinical Pathology Labs in Austin tx... not at all related to the masters I have in Education or the bachelor's in sociology--- go figure) and I'm married to a gal who does the same kind of thing (double major English and Comp Sci) for a company that does database management for non-profits... I have more blogs started (myspace/livejournal/tagspace/bloglines/etc...
    than i can count :P

    anyhow-- "HI" from Texas

    Al .... as in Allen Marshall
