Sunday, July 16, 2006

Mango Salsa

At Carlos' prompting, I started messing around with mangoes and habenaroes. Wow. I like. Here's one recipe that I came up with. It's actually pretty simple.

1 large mango, diced
1 tomatio, diced
1/4 habenaro, finely minced
1/4 large yellow onion
ginger, garlic, oregano to taste.

First dice the mango. If it's as ripe as it should be it will be messy and juicy. This is a feature, not a bug here. Don't lose the juice! Place in a large bowl. Dice the tomatio and onion. Mix with the mango. Add spices. Very finely mince the habenaro last and add. Place over a very low heat for about 10 minutes. Stir regularly. Let sit for another ten minutes and serve.

I really loved this one, but it had too much kick for my wife. My daughter would probably try it, get pissed off, red faced, and then want more. I'd rather not risk it though. This one has some kick with the sweet and spicy.


  1. Heh. Did you know that you can get Mango Habenaro sauce on your wings at BW3?


  2. No Suzanne, didn't know about the sauce there. Don't dine out as much as I used to.

    blondage: I had another post about salsas fwiw. Check it out.

  3. Probably Vicki.

    Might be Melanie, but doubt it.

    Might even be Tracy.


    Not too sure.

  4. So add yourselves to the Map, silly.

    Shouldn't your ID be Dori tho?
