Thursday, December 21, 2006

Going to Miss This

Chances of a Friday or Saturday shuttle landing at White Sands Space Harbor are greater than they have been since the shuttle landed at White Sands almost 25 years ago.

Poor weather conditions at Kennedy Space Center in Florida and at Edwards Air Force Base in California, could force NASA officials to land Discovery in New Mexico. Personnel at White Sands Missile Range and Holloman Air Force Base near Alamogordo began preparations for a possible shuttle landing Friday afternoon.

Jim Eckles, a WSMR spokesman who assisted the media when Columbia landed at White Sands in March 1982, said NASA's involvement in a possible landing is greater than it has been since then.

"It's certainly a step above most times in the past," Eckles said.

More than 100 people from WSMR, Holloman, and White Sands Space Harbor could be involved in a possible shuttle landing. Personnel from NASA are expected to arrive at White Sands today to assist.

There's no way to get us out there in time. A friend of mine that works at WSMR is considering postponing going back with his family to his folks place to see this. Lucky sod.

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