Monday, December 11, 2006

Moscow's Colors Become Blatant

The Russian Duma’s December 6 resolutions, calling for recognition of Abkhazia’s and South Ossetia’s secession from Georgia and their potential incorporation into Russia, are primarily geared to short-term tactical goals of Russian policy.


The Duma’s resolutions reflect the evolution of Russia’s policy from support of armed secession to open encouragement of territorial annexations; from orchestrating local ethnic “separatism” to embarking on Greater-Russia irredentism and unilateral changes of borders by force. With Moscow endorsing such goals, Russian “peacekeeping” troops can only be characterized as occupation troops involved in the seizure of territories from another country.

Now consider that Ukraine has some Russians politicians sniffing around:

“Certain politicians may say anything, it is not the official position of a state in general,” the ambassador stressed. “We know a Russian politician, who says that Ukraine should be divided into 3-4, but it is not the official position of the Russian Federation.”

Now given that this wasn't an official position, but witht he fact that the Donbass region's political elite were talking secession and annexation to Russia (so were the Crimeans) when Yanukovych lost out in the original Orange Revolution, I'd not be surprised if the Russians starting looking to pull apart Ukraine too. They'd keep the eastern and crimean portions and leave the rest for the EU or whatever. The US is pretty useless here. We can hardly pledge membership as a state. The EU on the other hand...the EU on the other hand has thoroughly cooled to Ukraine joining.


Ukraine really, really needs pledges of help from and a roadmap to joining from the EU...but its just not going to happen. and Ukraine's fate will not be one of happiness. Again.

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