Wednesday, February 21, 2007


A very good friend of mine was pleased to call and let me know that his son was born yesterday morning. Jason and Tracy seemed to have survived the birth of Logan Dale Lowery at 7 lbs 10 oz and 19.5 in long on February 20th.

Of the cluster of NMicans that I hung out with regularly, four couples have had kids: Jared and his wife were way out in front with their daughter: I've not talked to them in a while and they were talking about a second child when last I heard from them. Lyuda and I came in second, but years later, with our daughter. Jeb and Melanie came in third with their son. Jason and Tracy are in fourth with their son. Alyssa is somewhere around four or five now. Avrora is two next week. Nathan should be one shortly. Logan is obviously just getting started. Amazing.

Congratz to the new family!

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