Monday, March 12, 2007

Time Change

Arizona has (had?) the right idea abotut his. This is frackin ridiculous.


  1. I'd be sympathetic to your plight, except I had to be to work at 6 am yesterday, which means I'm up at about 4 am. The lost hour on a work day sucks.

  2. Oh cry em a river, Suzanne! :P

    I have a kidda that wakes up multiple times per night - I'm the one that takes care of the midnight upsetness since I can fall bacl to sleep easily - /and/ I have to get up at 5 AM. Oh, and we're up normally til midnight helping Lyuda study and cleaning up: 2 yos are the incarnation of entropy.

    So. Nyah.

    Freakin chemists...;)
