Wednesday, March 28, 2007

U Wyoming Takes a Hit

To gain access to the latest in computer technology, the University of Wyoming announced it would cut $2 million from its School of Energy Resources (SER) to fund a $60-million supercomputer center near Cheyenne.

The announcement was made Friday during a public meeting of the UW Board of Trustees in the Wyoming Union Family Room.

Myron B. Allen, vice president of Academic Affairs, told the UW Trustees, Gov. Dave Freudenthal and state legislators that the university would cut $2 million from the SER budget to fund the construction of a supercomputer center for the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). The NCAR announced in January it is moving to Cheyenne.

The $2 million is a match to the $19 million the Wyoming Legislature has allocated for the construction of the center, which is scheduled to begin this year.

The university agreed to the match so it can gain access to up to 20 percent of the NCAR’s resources for academic research, Allen said.

“It opens up tremendous opportunities for the university and the SER,” he said.

The Wyoming Legislature had appropriated $12.1 million to run the SER through 2007 and 2008, Allen said. That amount will decrease to $10.1 million following UW’s $2-million match.

Nothing's free.

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