Friday, April 13, 2007

China's ASAT Tried Three Times

U.S. Marine Corps Gen. James Cartwright says the Chinese made two unsuccessful attempts at an anti-satellite intercept before the successful test in January.

During those earlier tests, at least one of which took place last year, the Chinese interceptor boosted into space but missed the target. The re-entry vehicles later fell back to Earth, an intelligence official says.


Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. T. Michael Moseley says the launch system used by the Chinese incorporated a mobile platform, displaying a worrisome level of flexibility on the part of this potential adversary. The two earlier attempts also used a mobile launch system, the intelligence official added.

Ah, space warfare.

This wasn't just a proof of concept, folks! With the use of a mobile element its obvious that the Chinese are jockeying to put a real weapon into utilization to negate the US' omnipresence in orbit. The US has long said, "If you can see it, you can kill it." In space, there's nowhere to hide.

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