Tuesday, April 10, 2007

FAA Rules for Rockets

FAA on April 6 released new guidelines for obtaining one-year experimental launch permits for reusable spacecraft that will give developers the opportunity to fly and test their vehicles before applying for an FAA launch license.

Each permit will cover multiple vehicles of a particular design and will allow an unlimited number of launches. The vehicles must operate in an area large enough to contain its trajectory that is not close to any densely populated areas.

Applicants must provide a program description; a flight test plan; operational safety documentation, including a hazard analysis; and a plan for responding to any mishap, according to FAA.

The permits will be renewable following FAA review. None of the flights covered by an experimental permit can be flown for profit. FAA will determine what kind of design changes can be made to a vehicle before its permit is invalidated.

This is for suborbitals and here's the FAA link (warning PDF format).

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