Thursday, May 10, 2007

FCS UAV To Arrive Early

The Micro Air Vehicle (MAV) has performed so well in tests with the U.S. Army’s 25th Infantry Division in Hawaii that Future Combat Systems programmers hope to accelerate the development of the 40-pound, vertical-lift UAV.

“With the hover and stare capability, the MAV is so good we want to bring it [to the warzone] earlier than planned,” said Col. Charles Bush, director of FCS’ Future Forces division.

The MAV is slated to field by 2010, but FCS official want to move it into the group of Spinout 1 technologies for 2008 — long before the 2015 deployment of a full FCS Brigade Combat Team.

Equipped with videocameras and infrared sensors, the soldier-controlled, three-foot-long MAV will show troops live video of enemy positions on the other side of a hill, Bush said. One soldier can backpack the MAV vehicle and its ground gear, which include controls and a display screen.

First, an unworthy comment: what an unfortunate name for the Colonel. Second, how can they call it a micro anything at 40 lbs!

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