Thursday, August 23, 2007

Timing is Everything

The text of my Late Triassic Extinction Post is done. I just needed to put in the references and footnotes. I have a pile of books in my office at work about the extinction that I could read and reference to double check everything as I wrote. With the exception of the Fraser work, one of the Hallam works, and one of the Ward's, most of my references are about ten years old. Mass extinction work is a very fast moving field. The issue is that there are only so many popular works to go through on the subject that are not KT related.

Part of the problem is that I don't have access to all the journals and I am already hurting for time: I have been reading the white papers about the Claytronics Project at CMU and trying to formulate some good questions and comments, writing up a design paper for the Usenet successor, trying to get this albatross of a project wrt work off the ground, keep this blog up, write my book, and still have a family life. Oy.

Sometimes something fortuituous happens. Sometimes it might be that, but still fscking annoying. I have been reading Ward's latest, Under A Green Sky by Peter Ward. There's a wonderful section on the Late Triassic Extinction. It will force me to rewrite chunks of my post. This is good that I read first and didn't publish here before it was done. OTOH, damnit, I'm going to have to revise my nine page in MS Word post. argh.

Better accurate than not, I s'pose since this is meant to be a Boneyard submission.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, and you'll submit it to ME this time! I'm still not positive how that's going to work, as my Hotmail filter is either "on" (block everybody that's not in my inbox) or "off" (nothing but junk mail).

