Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Julia tagged me with a meme. Since she did it while I was down for the count I am only now getting around to it.

1. An interesting animal I had

That would be the male-female pair of collared lizards my dad got me when I was about six. I found them fascinating, but they didn't last super long. I could sit and watch for hours even though they didn't necessarily even move. They died pretty fast due to an error on our part: we left a heat lamp inside for them on and they crawled too close and burned.

2. An interesting animal I ate

This probably ostrich. Then again I've had frog legs multiple times too. I've also eaten buffalo. IIRC, we ate some South African sausage made from gnu.

3. An interesting animal in a museum

There's a very fascinating bits of Seismosaurus (I think, it might have been another sauropod) that were on display at the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science when I was a teenager. THAT has to be most interesting animal I've seen in a museum.

4. An interesting thing I did with or to an animal

Played fetch with a cat I used to have. I discovered my cat whose name was Skunk loved to play fetch by accident. It was my senior year of high school. He was a runt and adorable with a black "cap" and a black back with a white stripe down his back. I was working on Mrs Strong's huge number of integrals for our calculus class (70?) which required multipage proofs. I got frustrated with some and threw the crumpled piece of paper over my shoulder. Skunk immediately attacked the first few. When I got on a roll again about how to do the integrals and stopped chucking them over my shoulder, he leapt up on the bed and then to my desk carrying the mildly shredded and wadded up piece of paper with him. He dropped it on my work and purred. I semi-annoyed chucked it again and off he went to return once more with the even more mangled piece of paper. We played like that for a while that night and I even called my dad in to see. He was as amazed as I was.

5. An interesting animal in its natural habitat

Raptors. I now, I know...soooo generic. However, living in Los Alamos, we used to see several kinds when I was younger just flying around: golden eagles, peregrine falcons, and assorted hawks. They were endlessly fascinating to me and birds I generally find dull.

I am going to see if I can tag James since his stories are going to be hair raising and then some...and Randy. Vicki too.

1 comment:

  1. Collared lizards are very cute, but they must not be terribly smart. Did they not know that being directly ON a heat lamp HURTS after awhile?
