Friday, October 12, 2007

Real Climate has Flannery Rebuttal

Go read.

Real Climate says we're at a CO2 equivalent of 375 ppm rather than Flannery's claim we've already exceeded 450 ppm. Interesting.

Unless Flannery's opinions are backed up by the IPCC (?) report that he claimed he saw, he's going to end up in the junk bin here on tDTs.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Flannery is knobbling (though not to the extent of Diamond). He's a very good zoologist with personal and academic connections to the top of the Australian intelligentsia. But he'll ride a hobbyhorse down to the ground. For instance, in his recent book on North America, he claimed that the recent extinction of the North American megafauna was caused by Clovis Point hunters -- which is defensible -- and then said this obviously must mean a recent settlement by humans in North America, which is increasingly less so. Basically, he applied his theories about Australian settlement to North America.

    (Also, he has some goofy ideas about Mexican immigration restoring the genetic makeup of North America. Dude, a guy from Zacatecas ain't a Chickasaw. In fact, Zacatecas is the original North American melting pot, though not for any good reason -- silver mines.)
