Tuesday, November 20, 2007

South Korea Adds Moon Probes

South Korea plans to launch a lunar probe in 2020 and make a moon landing by 2025 under a new space project that will develop indigenous rockets to put satellites into orbit, the Science Ministry said on Tuesday.

The lunar probe program will be based on a rocket South Korea is developing at a cost of 3.6 trillion won ($3.9 billion) in the next decade.

Now we have the Euros in general, Germany in particular, the US, China, Russia, Japan, India, and, now South Korea. *boggle*

How long until Brazil?


  1. > Brazil

    Hmm . . . well it will get cheaper and cheaper as time passes, both relatively and absolutely, so . . . 2040 maybe? 2030 at the best?

  2. Hey Mike. Sorry I missed your comment.

    I am betting that it will take until 2050. However, if Brazil makes off like a bandit with the biofuels, it might be a lot sooner.
