Friday, December 21, 2007

Latest New Hampshire Poll


Hillary Rodham Clinton, 32 percent

Barack Obama, 32 percent

John Edwards, 18 percent

Bill Richardson, 8 percent



Mitt Romney, 34 percent

John McCain, 27 percent

Rudy Giuliani, 11 percent

Mike Huckabee, 9 percent

Ron Paul, 9 percent

Fred Thompson, 4 percent

Well, Noel, it looks like your stumping - and others - in NH seems to have paid off. Now if we can get Hunter, Thompson, and Teh 3v1L to drop out on the Repugnant side and Richardson from the 'Brat side. Richardson did a very good thing for me when I was 17: he nominated me for the US Naval Academy and West Point. I didn't get in due to my eyes being atrociously near sighted. Even so, I am grateful that he did that and it has helped me in my career. However, his actions as Secretary of DOE with respect to my hometown, the Lab, and especially to a friend's father have made me not a friend of him or his political aspirations.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Thank you for the props on getting Obama within spitting distance of the Hillary.

    Nearsightedness can keep you out of the military academies? I didn't know that. I'm blind as a bat, but it wasn't a barrier to OCS ... I guess that the academies are just grasping for reasons to reject people.
