Thursday, December 13, 2007

Republican Iowa Debate


That was the WORST debate I have ever seen. By that I mean how it was run AND the answers.

The only way I found to get it tivoed was to get it through fox. Since most of the debates have been forever and a day longer than they were supposed to be, I set it up for an extra hour past the end time. Interestingly, it ended ontime and I got Fox Oozes commentary. They agreed it was a none too hot debate and felt that Huckabee 'won.' Interestingly, the Iowans they coraled in to watch the whole shabang felt that Romney won. erm.

Just by watching it - or listening to it as I did while working on other things at times - I felt we all lost. The candidates and the voters. Talk about a waste. Tonight I'll be watching the Democrats. Hopefully its better, but I doubt it. I really need to finish that Permian ecology post.

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