Thursday, February 28, 2008

A Call for a Post: Obama & Clinton on NAFTA

Noel Maurer of Halfway Down the Danube has been actively participating in the Obama campaign. He has made pitches online as well as helping by going door to door[1] at various focal points to stump for his candidate. Noel is a good guy and I deeply respect his opinions. He's an economist, author, and generally really, really smart man. He's also a committed, as I understand his posts from the past few years we have interacted online, free trade advocate. Yet, there has been a lot of talk from the Democratic camps about renegotiating NAFTA. This is especially true from Senator Obama. This has made some mutual online friends from north of the border a wee bit nervous.

If Noel can squeeze in the time, I'd like a clarification. He's one of the best people I can think of to explain given his qualifications and . I think that there might be a nontrivial amount of FUD being spread or said. So, Noel, you game?

1. I am really, really glad that he's off the market with a very lovely lady. Talk about a geek's nightmare! Noel's prettier and smarter than I a lot. "May I interest you, ma'am, in my...candidate?" (just kidding, Noel!)

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