Tuesday, February 26, 2008

McCain's Stance on Puerto Rico

Mike dropped by and asked what was McCain's stance on Puerto Rico. Should it be a state? Should it be an independent country? Should it remain an unincorporated territory (ie colony)? Since I already blogged a little about Obama's stance and Hillary's fight to get the Puerto Rican delegates, I really ought to say something about McCain's stance as well.

McCain's stance is that he embraces the President's Task Force on Puerto Rico's Status. He is a cosponsor of Senate Bill 1936 "Puerto Rico Democracy Act of 2007." He has stated that he wants to make a permanent resolution to the island's status. He has stated that he would be willing to sign, as President, either the House or Senate version of the bill. Even though the Senate version of the bill allows for Commonwealth status, McCain wants Luis Fortuno who is a very strong advocate of statehood to act as an adviser. That, and the fact that HR900 is loaded towards statehood, would imply he backs statehood.

News links are here and here.

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