Thursday, February 21, 2008

Paleocene Sauropod?!

Scientists have found the fossil of a new herbivorous dinosaur species that stood five meters (5.5 yards) high and lived 60 million years ago, the official Xinhua agency reported on Thursday.

The large long-necked sauropod, which was found in Eastern Zhejiang province and has not yet been named, was around 15 meters long, the report quoted a museum curator as saying.

Something can't be right here. 60 million years ago?!

This has got to be a press release boo-boo.

Waiting for those of you that have paper access.

1 comment:

  1. If it actually was 60 ma you can bet there's be a whole lot more fuss about it than there is at the moment! I'll see if I can get access. If not, I know a man who can...
