Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Russians claim, again, European Space Development Deal

The Russian and European space agencies have signed a deal to build a six-seat manned spacecraft to travel to the Moon, a Russian space official said Wednesday.

Russian space agency Roskosmos and the European Space Agency "on Tuesday signed an accord on the creation of a manned vessel to transport up to six people around the Earth and to the Moon," Roskosmos spokesman Alexander Vorobyev told AFP.

Testing of the 20-tonne vehicle is due to begin in 2015, with the first launch to take place in 2018 in the planned Vostochny space base in Siberia, Vorobyev said.

hmmm. Sounds a lot like what the Russians said about Kliper.


I wonder why we haven't heard anything from the Europeans? We'll see if this is real or more hot air.

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