Monday, June 09, 2008

I Iz In Ur Gene Pool!

On the southern part of the island of Zealand in Denmark, lie two burial grounds known as B�gebjergg�rd and Skovgaarde, which date back to the Danish iron age (c. 0-400 BC). Linea Melchior and forensic scientists from the University of Copenhagen analysed the mitocondrial DNA of 18 individuals buried on the sites and found that there was as much genetic variation in their remains as one would expect to find in individuals of the present day. The research team also found DNA from a man, whose genetic characteristics indicate a man of Arabian origin.

I would ahve thought this patently obvious based on other studies, but, y'know, it is nice to have archaeological evidence to support the genetic and other bits of evidence. Just goes to show, you can never really tell whose family!

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