Thursday, September 25, 2008

Alternate History: Any Interest?

I have been without alternate history discussion forum since I abandoned SHWI. The various dotcom equivalents or near equivalents haven't been as appealing: their culture's are just not rigorous enough for me. *sighs*While Epylium Aurelia has passed the 150 page mark and Zach, Scott, and I have been plodding along with our alternate Permian discussions. its not satisfying as far scratching the itch as far as the different history books I read and spinning out something each time.

There were several points in the book about Byzantium and the Crusades that could ahve been spun out as WIs. There are so many that its dizzying in the book on Mexico I am reading now. There have been others in the past. There will definitely be more in the future: I am considering two more books on Byzantium, the Crusades, and Arabs, a history of the Persian Empire, and about the Caste War. Each of these are fertile ground.

Is there any interest by my readers in discussing ah here? hrm. I wonder if there would be any interest in an ah blog carnival. probably not enough writers...


  1. I've imagined an alternate history set in Martin Luther's era, but I don't have immediate plans to spend time on it.

  2. I absolutely adore spec stuff, Will, so I'm all for it.

  3. heh. I've written some considerable amounts of AH stuff. I never did finish My Machiavelli in Morea TL stuff. It just fell flat on the shwi crowd. It was also rather verbose and a surprising number of people lack any real knowledge of the guy and his writings other than the Prince.

    Actually, that's one of the problems. I read to learn and it seems only a few have wandered down those same paths I have. There are a few and fortunately they read this blog. Hence why I was asking...

  4. Please do. I miss your commentary on SHWI/AHF.
