Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Florida State University Faculty Position (Climate related)

Faculty Position in Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Modeling at Florida State University

The Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies (COAPS) ( at the Florida State University (FSU) invites applications for a tenure earning Assistant Professor in Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Modeling. The Center seeks candidates with research interests focusing on understanding either coastal/regional phenomena or large-scale climate variability and predictability. Specific research issues could include, but are not limited to, extreme events, mesoscale processes, seasonal to decadal prediction, global climate change and its feedback on regional climates, and climate scale interactions of the atmosphere with terrestrial, oceanic and/or cryospheric processes. Candidates with multidisciplinary interests (biogeochemical, fisheries ecology, hydrology) are encouraged to apply. The successful candidate will be expected to a) conduct state of the art research, b) assist in developing applications based on the above mentioned research activities, and c) interact with a team of interdisciplinary scientists. The candidate will have her/his tenure earning home in either the department of Meteorology or the department of Oceanography, depending on background, and will be expected to teach at both the graduate and undergraduate levels.

COAPS is a center of excellence which promotes interdisciplinary research in air-sea interaction, the coupled ocean-atmosphere-land-ice earth system, and climate prediction on scales of weeks to decades in order to increase our understanding of the physical, social, and economical consequences of coupled ocean-atmospheric variations. Located in the capital city of Tallahassee, Florida, the Florida State University is a comprehensive, graduate-research university with a liberal arts base. We invite you to learn more about Florida State University by visiting

Please send a comprehensive vita, a statement of research interest, and the names and addresses of at least three scientific references by email to by December 5, 2008. Salary and start-up costs are nationally competitive. A Ph.D. is required.

The Florida State University is committed to a policy of non-discrimination for the university community on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, veteran’s or marital status, or any other protected group status.

Pass this one along...

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