Friday, February 06, 2009

HELSTF Laying Off More

lmost a year after 30 contract employees were laid off at the High Energy Laser System Test Facility, more layoffs were confirmed Wednesday by White Sands Missile Range officials.

However, details regarding the number of affected employees and when those dismissals will begin were not immediately known. Monte Marlin, WSMR spokeswoman, said she was aware of the layoffs but details would have to come from the U.S. Space and Missile Defense Command, the supervising agency for HELSTF.

"HELSTF has long been a part of the White Sands Missile Range family and we support them as we all have to go through this," Marlin said.

Strategic Missile Defense Command officials could not be reached for comment.

The agency's spokesman was attending a professional seminar Tuesday and Wednesday and was not expected back in his Huntsville, Ala. office until today. Additional calls to the agency were not returned.

Representatives for Sen. Jeff Bingaman, D-N.M., were not immediately aware of the layoffs and were also trying to obtain more information Wednesday.

Alas. It was fun while I worked there, but, truthfully, chemical lasers are not the future of DEWs, long until they close the facility since Saint Pete has retired?

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