Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Oh My Political Views!

This is absurd, but funny.

My Political Views
I am a centrist moderate social authoritarian
Right: 0.62, Authoritarian: 1.48

(side effect of being a parent now? lol)

My Foreign Policy Views
Score: 6.04

Political Spectrum Quiz

(pardon me while I wipe away the foam at the mouth)

My Culture War Stance
Score: -0.7

Political Spectrum Quiz

(I'm mildly lefty?! OH NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! (not serious for the humor impaired)

1 comment:

  1. Took the time (bad me) to take the quiz myself. I had done this years ago. Don't remember the exact results last time, but I was still fairly centrist then. See my own blog (no link here on purpose) for detailed results.
