Friday, July 10, 2009

Speaking of LC Restaurants...

The Guinness Book of World Records already has a largest hamburger designation on the books, but a southern New Mexico cafe is going for a spicier title: world's largest green chile cheeseburger.

The burger, crafted by Peppers Cafe in Mesilla, features a 10-inch diameter, 1-pound burger, a half-pound of cheese and three green chiles all between two specially made buns, said restaurant owner C.W. "Buddy" Ritter.

"We sold 20 of them yesterday, and we're very surprised they're selling like they are," Ritter said.

He said the cafe, which operates in the Double Eagle restaurant, sent an application to Guinness to make the burger the largest commercially available green chile cheeseburger in the world.

Oh Jason...this one has your name on it! Better take the whole crew.

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