Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Russians Want Nuclear Powered Vaporware Rocket

Russia's space agency chief is proposing to build a new spaceship with a nuclear engine. Reportedly, Anatoly Perminov told a government meeting Wednesday that the preliminary design could be ready by 2012. It would take about nine more years and 17 billion rubles (about $600 million or 400 million euros) to build the ship. This ambitious proposal is a stark contrast to the current state of the Russian space program.

I suppose it'll carry the Kliper into orbit, right?

Second thought, a Nicollism: This can only end well.


  1. James Davis Nicoll11:59 AM

    What exactly do they mean by "nuclear powered"? NTR? SOmething else?

  2. NERVA esque I am guessing. But...

    No info really. Probably just Russia blowing smoke again.

  3. James Davis Nicoll4:58 PM

    Hmph. I like my vaporware specific.

  4. oh indeed.

    Crapsalot, ahem, slashdot mentions multimegawatt in their post that followed this one, but given its accuracy, I'd doubt that'd help much. I'd only talk that way if it was a nuclear ion drive. However, who knows.
