Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ukraine: Between Yanukovich and Timoshenko, Left and Right Banks

So, the election, round one, is over. Yushchenko got crushed. Now its between Yani and Timo in a run off since neither got more than 50%. It was 35% and 25% respectively. Timo's base of support was in the West. Yani's in the East, especially the Donbass. It'll be close, but either can win. As I have said before, Timo is like the Ann Coulter of Ukraine and Yani's...well...Nixon (bad side) crossed with ... Bush Jr.

Something that I truly hate about all of Ukrainian politics is that it has devolved into blocks purely based on personalities. The Block of Timoshenko, The Block of Lytvin, even the Party of Regions is really just the block of Yanukovich.


My bet? Yani's gonna win. He won't be a Russian pawn, but the corruption will get worse and he'll make nice-nice with Darth Putin while trying his best to walk a careful line with the West.

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