Thursday, July 15, 2010

HD 209458b Has a Comet Tail

In the case of HD 209458b, during transits some of the star’s light passes through the planet’s escaping, 2,000-degree-Fahrenheit atmosphere, allowing scientists to tell what it is made of and how fast it is being lost to space.

"We found gas escaping at high velocities, with a large amount of this gas flowing toward us at 22,000 miles per hour," said astronomer Jeffrey Linsky of the University of Colorado in Boulder, leader of the COS study. "This large gas flow is likely gas swept up by the stellar wind to form the comet-like tail trailing the planet."

The escaping planetary gases absorbed starlight at wavelengths characteristic of heavier elements like carbon and silicon, suggesting that the star’s intense heat is driving circulation deep in HD 209458b’s atmosphere, dredging up material that would otherwise remain far beneath lighter elements like hydrogen.

Even though its atmosphere is constantly streaming away into space, HD 209458b won’t be disappearing anytime soon. At the measured rate of loss, the planet would last about a trillion years, far longer than the lifetime of its host star.

Something that needs to be added to hard SF settings: evaporating hot jupiters!

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