Friday, August 03, 2012

Boeing, SpaceX & Sierra Nevada Win Commericial Crew Contracts

Did I call it or what?

Boeing got $440 million for their CST-100.  SpaceX got $420 million for the Dragon.  Sierra Nevada got $212 million.

Innovative, but sure (SpaceX).  Dinospace but likely to succeed (Boeing).  And "sexy" or "kewl," SN.

There were some rumors floating around (when aren't there?) that the White House delayed the announcement because they were unhappy with the decision.  The rumor was that ATK had won something and that the WH didn't like it.  The only way that works now that the awards are out is that they had hoped that ATK had won and that it didn't...

ATK may continue, albeit slower, according public statements.

Congratz, folks.  Let's see Americans going up in American spacecraft again.

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