Tuesday, November 06, 2012

The Puerto Rican Referendum: Another Big Vote of the Day

Today everyone has their eyes on the US Presidential Election especially, but the congressional races as well.  However, there has been another, potentially big referendum.  Puerto Rico is voting whether or not to change their status.  Should they remain a territory?  (A colony effectively) Seek Independence?  Seek Statehood?  Or become independent in the manner that the Pacific Trust Territories did.

Its possible they could have PR start seeking to become a state.  They would need to get Congress to sign off.  However, it would be exciting to add another state to the union and work towards fixing the mess that has been the festering fallout from the Insular Cases.

Friend and wiser one, Noel, though thinks that they would just stay a territory.  Change is scary.

My hopes are for statehood.  We'll see how it goes.

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