Thursday, October 31, 2013

Mars One Claims to Fly Unmanned Martian Lander in 2016

Mars One will send “a small craft that will demonstrate the technologies we need for our human colony” and is inviting partners to join the mission…

The first step is to test whether conditions for sustaining humans can be created, by sending experimental systems on a lander.

“If you have a reason to get something to Mars, get in touch with me,” Lansdorp told the conference.

“It could be a country that wants to do an experiment on Martian soil.

“I know the UK space agency has been interested in getting to Mars in the past. They could put something on our lander and get a payload there.

“We also have consumer firms that are interested in becoming ‘the first brand on Mars’.”

Another idea is to allow a “high schools payload” similar to the recent Youtube Space Lab.

This is my raised, disbelieving eyebrow.

link via Parabolic Arc.

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