Monday, January 20, 2014

Was Snowden Really a Whistleblower? Or a Spy?

U.S. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) believes National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden may have had help from Russia.


“There's some clear evidence there that something else was going on," Rogers continued. "This wasn't a random smash and grab, run down the road, end up in China, the bastion of Internet freedom, and then Russia, of course, the bastion of Internet freedom. And because of the nature of the information that was stolen [had] nothing to do with Americans' privacy [and] a lot to do with our operations overseas."

Rogers implied Snowden was not skilled enough to pull off the leak alone. "Some of the things he did were beyond his technical capabilities," Rogers said. "[That] raises more questions. How he arranged travel before he left. How he was ready to go -- he had a go bag, if you will."

Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-Calif.), Chairman of the Select Committee on Intelligence, was also asked on "Meet The Press" if she felt Snowden had help from the Russians.

"He may well have," she said. "We don't know at this stage."

On CBS, Mike Morell, a former deputy CIA director, agreed with Rogers' assessment.

“I don't have any particular evidence," Morell said, "but one of the things that I point to when I talk about this is that the disclosures that have been coming recently are very sophisticated in their content and sophisticated in their timing, almost too sophisticated for Mr. Snowden to be deciding on his own. And seems to me, he might be getting some help."

So that's what its like to be ahead of the curve. ;)

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