Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A Ceratopsian Dinosaur From Hauterivian/Berremian Cretaceous Japan

The First Basal Neoceratopsian Dinosaur from the Lower Cretaceous Kanmon Group in Kyushu, Southwestern Japan


Tanoue et al


An isolated tooth specimen from the Lower Cretaceous Kanmon Group in Kyushu Island, south-western Japan was initially identified as a hadrosaurid. It is reidentified herein as a neoceratopsian tooth based on the presence of a wide and prominent primary ridge on the crown, a shallow indentation on the right side of the primary ridge in non-occlusal view, and a horizontally oriented cingulum at the base of the crown. The poorly developed cingulum and shallow indentation suggest that it does not pertain to a ceratopsid, but is only referable to a basal neoceratopsian. This represents the first basal neoceratopsian specimen from the Lower Cretaceous of Kyushu Island.

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