Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Azhdarchid Pterosaur Fossil Found in Campanian Cretaceous Russia

A pterosaurian vertebra from the Upper Cretaceous of the Saratov Region


Averianov et al


A dorsal vertebra referred to as Azhdarchidae indet. from the Rybushka Formation (Upper Cretaceous, Lower Campanian) of the Beloe Ozero locality in the Saratov Region is described. Its vertebral centrum has a hypapophysis and, at the base of the neural arch, there is a large pneumatic foramen. The vertebra possibly belongs to Volgadraco bogolubovi Averianov, Arkhangelskii et Pervushov, 2008, described from the Rybushka Formation of the Shirokii Karamysh 2 locality in the Saratov Region.

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