Friday, February 20, 2015

Australia Rules out Swedish Submarines for Collins Class SSK Replacement

Australia will not partner with Sweden to build its next-generation submarine fleet, Prime Minister Tony Abbott said on Friday, narrowing the list of potential partners for the A$50 billion ($39 billion) program to Germany, France and Japan.

Swedish defense firm Saab, France's state-controlled naval contractor DCNS and Germany's ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems have expressed interest in the project.

However, but Abbott ruled Sweden out over its lack of recent experience.

"The last Australian submarine came off the production line in about 2001. As I understand it the last Swedish submarine came off the production line in about 1996, so it's almost two decades since Sweden built a submarine," Abbott told reporters.

"We are working with the three countries that have continuous, relevant submarine experience."

hrmph.  At this point, they just ought to buy Virginias.   If its a $39 billion program, then you can purchase 14, almost 15, of them.  That's more than the planned procurement of 12 and they could use the US facilities for the nuclear fueling and whatnot.  Kinda like how the Brits do something similar for their Vanguards.

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