Sunday, March 01, 2015

This is Bob. Bob Says hi. Oh no, Bob Died...and we ate him!

For my daughter's birthday, we went to Ocean Beach in San Francisco.  It was her request, actually, and we, of course! forgot the sun screen.  We had a blast.  However, it seems Poseidon(*) is pleased with my daughter and offered up a surprise for us: we were playing at the water's edge when my daughter spotted something in the surf.  The water receded and there crawling back to the ocean as quick as possible was a dungeness crab.  My daughter loves dungeness crab.  We quickly rushed over and snatched it up (albeit carefully).  We kept it alive until we almost got home, but in the process we named the crab "Bob."  This was because of the silly little ... idk... short goofy story my daughter had been telling us kids are saying about a character named Bob.

There are two variants of that story.

"This is Bob.  Bob likes sharp objects.  Oh no!  Bob died!"


"This is Bob.  Bob says hi!  Oh no!  Bob died."

So.  The crab we caught in the surface was taken home, boiled and steamed, then eaten.


Bob died.

We ate him.

He was delicious.

*.  My daughter is a huge fan of the Percy Jackson series.

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