Monday, May 11, 2015

Extraordinary Claim: Russia Will Have Military Thought Controlled Exoskeleton Prototype in 5 Years

The world’s most capable armies, the US, China, and Russia, are constantly trying to improve their strategic and warfare capabilities on the battlefield. This so-called “struggle” often involves improving the equipment of the infantry and other troops that are directly exposed to enemy fire.

We know that there is a project that has a goal to develop, an exoskeleton that will be commercially used. The Russian army is willing and is planning to find a way to upgrade some of its infantry units with such (exoskeleton) devices. The exoskeletons would allow soldiers improve their warfare abilities: huge jump, power tilting and throwing items, physical protection from bullets and smaller missiles, chemical and biological protection and built-in weapons.

With this kind of exoskeletons, Russian troops would be able to carry up to 300 kilograms of military equipment. For a comparison at the moment, a vehicle would be needed for that equipment. Additionally, exoskeletons will be controlled by brain impulses, which is significant progress in the field.

Alexander Cooley is the head of the department for the development and manufacturing of medical equipment in the Russian United Corporation for the production of instruments (Rostec). He has noted that the Russian army could have the prototypes no later than 5 years.

To say I am skeptical is an understatement.  Especially since the Russians recently released their own line of computer processors (import substitution anyone?) which are at least 5 years behind their equivalent American/Western designs.

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