Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Кипячение лягушка (a Ukraine War Update): The Fighting Spreads

The DNR attempted today to take Maryinka, a village outside of Donetsk. During the first half of the day, the reports were that the DNR had taken Maryinka and were advancing on Krasnohorivka. The second half, the Ukrainians claimed they still held Maryinka and had blunted the attack. By 7 PM, the OSCE had both the DNR and the Ukrainians agreeing Ukraine still held Maryinka. The OSCE stated the DNR started the attack and the OSCE tried to contact the DNR leaders to get them to stop or at least get a ceasefire. None of the DNR leaders would speak to the OSCE. The OSCE stated the fighting had stopped at or before 7 PM. Yet multiple sources have stated the fighting is still ongoing and the DNR is hardly giving up. More than one has stated the DNR is in the center of the village now. Take with large grain of salt. Combat losses for the DNR seem to be 24 KIA and over 90 WIA. The losses for the Ukrainians are supposed to be 19 KIA and 25 WIA.  There are claims casualties for both sides were higher.

Supposedly the fighting is still going on. Videos of fighting at night are being posted, but the question is whether or not they are from early this morning or tonight. Reinforcements for the Donnie Rebs have been seen moving through Donetsk towards Maryinka.

Fighting was also reported at Shirokyne and Volnovakha early in the day. The fighting also spread to Avdeevka. There are rumors of elsewhere as well.

Shelling was virtually everywhere (Gorlovka scares us and some of the people ranting about the shelling in the online videos are known to us)

The Russians first claimed the Ukrainians caused the fight in Maryinka.

The Russians also told OSCE due to Ukrainian actions, there would be no further attempts to negotiate for the foreseeable future regarding peace in Ukraine. The Ukrainians had reported days ago there was an impasse and the Russians were obstructing. 

The OSCE found Russian troops in Russian uniforms with Russian plates in the Donbass as well.

If I were a betting man, I'd say there will be another significant push at 4 am Donetsk time.  Around an hour after this post goes up.

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