Monday, July 20, 2015

Robopocalypse Report #5

Robotic surgery has been linked to 144 deaths since 2000.  Interestingly, perhaps better said as 'frighteningly' the rate of death has dramatically increased.

The Brits have released the rules for testing driverless cars on public roads.   Hopefully the Silicon Valley coders will remember to flip the bit to drive on the other side of the road.

Drones have been an increasing problem for firefighters.  More often than not they are getting in the way of firefighting aircraft.  Given some of the frightening fires which have hit socal someone's going to do something stupid and get someone killed.  Stupidity like this is part of the reason the FAA is being a royal PITA about commercial drones.  

The Kitty Hawk moment reported before with the drones delivering medical supplies as a demo at the West Virginia medical clinic by Flirtey seems to have gone off well.  It's not a huge surprise, but a welcome one.

Merrill Lynch has noticed the robopocalypse.  hmmm.

Addendum: Hive Computing wants to make the smart meters into massive cloud (they call it super) computer.   This can only end well.

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