Thursday, July 02, 2015

Ukraine War Update: будьте осторожны, лягушачий

There have been a few big events in Ukraine this day.  However, since I start with pictures and regard everything the Donnie Rebs do as being suspect, let's start with something very, very scary.  The tanks in the DNR and LNR have been showing up with IFF symbols as of late.  This is not a surprise since the Ukrainians always painted a distinctive white stripe on their tanks so as to be able to tell friend or foe.  The tanks in the DNR and LNR have started specifically sporting a bright, white diamond.  Again, no is.  What is alarming is that the IFF symbols on the tanks can only be seen from the air.  Think about that for a moment!

The only reason to do that is to make sure you are seen from the air.  The Donnie Rebs do not have an air force (really).  The Ukrainians do.  So this seems to be rather counter-intuitive as to being helpful. It would seem to make these tanks more of targets, assuming the Ukrainians are the only ones with aircraft up.  The only way this makes sense is if friendly aircraft, as in friendly to the DNR/LNR, are in the air and might attack the DNR/LNR tanks by mistake.  Oh.  Wait.  That implies either the DNR/LNR are going to suddenly sprout an air force...or...yeah.  makes you comfortable, huh?

There are two potentially profound events which happened.  The first is Poroshenko has outlined the decentralization he and the Ukrainians are willing to allow.  What powers will be devolved to the Oblasts and what will be retained in Kiev.  It does not go as far as what the LNR & DNR want.  However, that the Ukrainians are willing to give any ground here is pretty profound.

The second is the DNR ordered the pullback of its troops from Shirokyne.  The fighters in Shirokyne were angry and surprised.  However, the pullback does seem to have happened.  Weirdly, the DNR side started bombarding the crap out of Shirokyne afterwards.  Even more weirdly, the radio intercepts of the DNR units leaving expressed confusion as to who was firing on the remains of the town.  It has been strongly implied it was not the DNR's artillery doing the bombardment, even though it was coming from their direction.  However, this video sure as shoot makes it look like the Ukrainians were hitting the withdrawing Donnie Rebs.  Supposedly, the Ukrainians have moved forward and taken the entirety of the town.  We will see.

The faux hope is the head of the DNR has announced elections which were promised in Minsk II for October 18.  He's made it clear none of the pro Kiev candidates will be allowed.  The announcement was apparently made unilaterally: the LNR was taken aback and had not been aware of it coming.

So, even with the hope, that is not to say there are not battles taking place elsewhere.  Shelling continues up and down the line of contact.  Something very odd is happening in Gorlovka:a huge number of troops have been moved there and there are reports of small arms firing. 

We will see.

Be careful, froggy.

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