Thursday, August 20, 2015

Finland Considering Guaranteed Minimum Income

The Finnish government is considering a pilot project that would see the state pay people a basic income regardless of whether they work.

The details of how much the basic income might be and who would be eligible for it are yet to be announced, but already there is widespread interest in how it might work.

Prime Minister Juha Sipila has praised the idea. "For me, a basic income means simplifying the social security system," he said.

The scheme is of particular interest to people without jobs. In Finland, they now number 280,000 - 10% of the workforce.

With unemployment an increasing concern, four out of five Finns now are in favour of a basic income.


That's not enough.  They need to increase access to capital as well to allow people to build wealth as well as survive.  Otherwise you ended up with a wider gap.

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