Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Ukraine War Update: Обмани меня трижды, лягушачий

There are claims of Minsk III and a new ceasefire on September 1st.  I am sure there war in Ukraine will stop completely.  The only will be exception will be for the Donbas like there was for Debaltseve.  All the rest of Ukraine will be under the rules of the ceasefire.

The outskirts of Mariupol are being hit again.  Pulling out of Shirokyne was an utter mistake.  The artillery fire was concentrated there where there were few to no civvies.  Now the Ukrainian side is getting hit and repeatedly.

Mariupol is hardly the only place getting slammed with artillery. Its pretty much up and down the line of contact.

(a check point under fire from tanks)

Likewise, Maryinka and Starohnativka had infantry battles. Tanks clashed in multiple places as well. Again these are not tank battles like what we'd think of, but rather shelling at each other.

Ukraine's conscription has fallen short by half: they wanted 25k conscripts.  They got half.

Noel Maurer has a post up wondering about the casualties reported by the Russian magazine Business Life.  The magazine post has since been censored but not before Forbes got wind of it.

Apparently, Zakharchenko is still MIA.  In fact, his residence is abandoned (largely emptied out) and his entire family and all his entourage are gone as well.  If he's gone on vacation is a very big vacation.  Comments are being made this is like what happened to the DNR leaders after MH17 was shot down.  So!  The mystery deepens!

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