Thursday, August 27, 2015

Ukraine War Update: Война против амфибии

On the heels of announcing the ceasefire/Minks III yesterday, the sound and fury of Donnie Reb's assaults has increased.  Officially 7 Ukrainian soldiers died last night outside of Mariupol.  According to other sources that will be revised 21.  The Ukrainian soldiers were instructed rather than fire back to contact the OSCE.  They did.  They died.

I can almost guarantee you this will not happen again.

Fighting is very intense around Mariupol, Starohnativka, Volnovakha and Maryinka.

On the plus side, Ukraine successfully renegotiated its debt.  This is a big deal.  I suspect part of this was because there were signals IMF was willing to let Ukraine default against its other creditors without repercussions. 20% of the debt is being just outright written off.

If irony were a material, then you could get Stalin toed boots from Putin's actions.  One of the worries the Russians have stated from the beginning was NATO pushing right up to its borders.  Informally, NATO agreed no major bases in the newer ex Warsaw Pact nations.  However, first with the Baltics getting war stocks and now Poland is getting American heavy forces, I'd say Putin needs to understand the term 'self fulfilling prophecy.'

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